Hot Lunch

Alicia Lozano

  • Located at Fountains of Living Water (518 E. Second St.)
  • Free hot lunch is served Monday - Friday
  • 10:30 am 12:00 pm 
  • Emergency Food boxes are also distributed to families in need on Thursdays
  • No income verification or proof of address is ever needed


Seeds of Hope began feeding the homeless through our Hot Lunch Program in 1998. It’s moved locations a few times over the years, but Fountains of Living Water has been its home since 2002. An optional daily devotion is led by local clergy and volunteers before lunch. Emergency food boxes are available to those in need and distributed on Thursdays. Hygiene kits, toiletries, and clothing are distributed as inventory allows. 

Participants receive three meals before they are asked to sign up to help with chores after the lunch is served. 

The Hot Lunch Program has been successful because of the countless volunteers who help keep it running smoothly. If you'd like to know more about volunteer opportunities click here.